Our focus is to align your work with your life so that you can Stride Forth into your own future where these two key parts of you are healthily balanced and naturally integrated… …without significant compromise.
I provide the structure, environment, support and tools you need to tackle career concerns, manage key decisions and control your professional future.
Together, we will:
- Understand who you really are and how to communicate where you add value.
- Increase your visibility and make sure you are heard.
- Drive your own career path rather than following what you are told is good/right for you.
- Naturally align and integrate your career with your life.
- Identify your long term goals, plan your strategy on how to get there and begin implementing the changes.
- Open doors so you can progress forward.

If any of the above words reflect how you are currently feeling, in all likelihood, you are coming up to a natural career junction. You can either plod along or jump into another role without really thinking OR… …you can do yourself a favour, and get your career to FINALLY start working for you.
Job Seeking- whether you are a graduate or an experienced person, we all look for the next step
Seeking Promotion- what to really flex your corporate abilities and skills in a more challenging environment
Change in Industry - you venture into something completely different i.e. military background to civilian future.
Change in Employment type - business owner to employee, or from global firm to start-up and vice versa.
Returners - Parents returning to work.